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B2B Warehousing And Fulfillment Services

The world of fulfillment has become more competitive than ever before. With technology ever increasing in its capacities for speed, accuracy, and tracking, customers have become accustomed to extremely high standards of service and expect those standards from their providers. If your company engages in B2B commerce, it’s essential that you satisfy those expectations.


The Perfect B2B Fulfillment Solution

B2B fulfillment encompasses a range of activities, all of which often fall outside the core set of capabilities of the company itself. Warehousing, kitting, inventory management, and shipping are each practically an industry in itself, with software systems, workflows, and regulations that must be fully understood and implemented in order for everything to work correctly. Rather than scrambling to research, purchase, and perfect these solutions in house, many companies choose to engage with a third-party service for their B2B fulfillment, with fantastic results.

How Third-Party B2B Fulfillment Works

When you choose to work with Spectra for B2B fulfillment, you instantly add an experienced, technologically advanced, and fully functional fulfillment department to your company. Your warehouse space is safe, clean, organized, and guaranteed, and a staff of experts is ready to receive and manage your inventory with reliable technology. Experienced workers are ready to assemble your shipments and get them out on time, appropriately packed for safe shipping.

Using Spectra as your B2B fulfillment experts enables you to avoid the most common issues that plague the industry. Poor inventory management, for instance, leads to an inability to anticipate demand, low stock, delays on orders, and frustration on the part of the customer. On the provider’s side, stock may sit in storage for years, neglected because a staff member failed to enter it into the inventory system when it was first received. These and many other problems waste money and jeopardize critical customer relationships.

Satisfy Your Customers Every Time

The biggest advantage that your company gains with Spectra’s complete B2B fulfillment system is consistency. When a customer places an order with you, their primary concern is that you are able to fulfill that order accurately, on time, and at the agreed-upon cost. A failure in any of those areas, however minor, erodes confidence on the part of the customer that your company will be able to serve them reliably in the future. The Spectra system not only uses highly reliable, constantly updating software to manage your inventory, but also implements quality control at every stage of the B2B fulfillment process in order to catch any mistakes and rectify them before your shipment leaves our facility.

Establish a Powerful Relationship

The relationship between your company and Spectra is one that will generate incredible customer confidence, stellar word-of-mouth reputation, and a solid foundation on which your business can grow. B2B fulfillment doesn’t have to be a dreaded topic within your business, and it shouldn’t be an area in which your company feels uncertain. No matter what your business’s level of expertise is in fulfillment, you can serve your customers with completely reliable, affordable, and technology-driven service on a par with that of your most powerful competitors.

Get in touch with a representative from Spectra to find out how you can partner with us to offer the B2B fulfillment service that your customers deserve and expect. We look forward to meeting you and helping you move your company forward.

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Frequently Asked Questions

B2B stands for business to business and the warehousing and fulfillment is focused on business to business vs business to consumer.

B2B eCommerce fulfillment services is the process of picking items, packing items and shipping items to a client/customer after they order it online. This can also involve custom kitting.

Businesses and corporations will use B2B warehousing and fulfillment so that their retail outlets, stores or distributors can order items online from inventory that is stored in the warehouse.

A B2B Fulfillment Distribution Center is pretty much the same as a B2B Warehouse Fulfillment Center. The terms are often used interchangeably.

Picking orders, packing orders and shipping orders are the three main functions of a B2B Warehouse Fulfillment Center.

B2B Warehouse Fulfillment Centers will receive your inventory, sort and store your products in pallets, shelves or bins, keep track of your inventory and provide you with reporting.

Most fulfillment centers are climate controlled and this is very important if you are going to be storing food products. Make sure you ask this question as part of your research when looking into a B2B warehouse fulfillment center.

The amount of space that is needed is determined by calculations which include, the amount of inventory, measurements of items, the weight of the items and whether or not they are stackable. The number of SKUs is also taken into consideration.

The biggest benefit of using a B2B Warehouse Fulfillment Center is that many of them are equipped to handle custom kitting programs or subscription programs. Their goal is to support the corporate marketing or procurement departments of each organization.

The last step of B2B fulfillment is shipping. Once your order has been picked and packaged, it moves to the shipping department and the inventory management system is updated. Spectra will make sure that your items are shipped in secure packaging and on time!

Spectra’s Charleston Fulfillment Center

Get in touch with us today to find out more about how Spectra’s Fulfillment Services Center and Warehouse in Charleston can help.